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#awaasss Susu Kental Manis (SKM), baca disini..!

susu kental manis atau sering disingkat dgn SKM tidak baik utk kesehatan!

Semua tahu kalau Susu kental manis itu rasanya manis bahkan terlalu manis. Namun tahukah anda kalau susu kental manis (skm) tidak disarankan oleh dokter untuk diminum sering? Mengapa?
Karena skm tidak mengandung gizi (sangat sedikit sekali) dan skm mengandung banyak sekali gula yang dapat menyebabkan kegemukan yg tdk normal, diabetes, hipertensi, dsb. Bahkan diluar negeri skm tidak diminum melainkan hanya sbg campuran utk kue karena skm mengandung terlalu byk gula. Mengapa di indonesia para produsen skm mengiklankan skm utk diminum padahal tidak baik untuk kesehatan? Ya, tentu saja semua itu adalah strategi marketing utk keuntungan sebesar besarnya.
Sebaiknya jika ingin meminum susu jangan memilih skm walaupun harga nya sangat terjangkau. Menurut dokter susu yg baik itu susu bubuk, susu uht, atau susu cair.

Ingat! Jangan pelit utk kesehatan anda sendiri, byk uang tidak berguna bagi anda jika anda tidak sehat.

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[2015-04-03 11:41] OgQWgU5wnC :

Lyn THank you, and congratulations to you too! Hey, just <a href="http://uujthdytm.com">bescaue</a> you're working, doesn't mean that you can't be a great mum. I reckon that having that time to yourself whether it is working or not, makes you a better mum for it, and it gives you that time to recharge'. HEYS! we're coming back in Mid November, so would be great to catch up, and meet the whole family!Grace Thanks too I am getting there . Slowly getting the chance to revisit some of the things I used to do just to touch base again. I need to enrol Arielle to classes, so I'll give Paul Saddler ago. Will try to enrol the same time as Lachy. Fingers cross, they still have an opening yeh? That way we can do play lunch together when they actually EAT!

[2015-04-01 23:32] Niq2WmHodU :

Haroooo Congratulations to you, Dave & Arielle jie jie Wanna wish u guys earlier but yeah was soooo BZ. Am sure you are too! I guess we all know it by now that mothrehood is sum what confusing. I was too like you. Constantly asking myself, feeling aimlessly about myself. It is always greener on the other pasture, whether you are a stayed-home mum or working-mum. For me i chose to work though i misses the kids back home. But i needed the kind of time for myself and most importantly to find myself. But for this, i missed out being the BEST mum on earth, bringing them up with my own hands (rather than with so many hands ) playing with them the entire day, spending time together, and cooking for them which i've always wanted. I only managed to bake some muffins for Kiersten and only when she is 2 yrs old! See the picture? Which ever choice we will still be questioning ourselves and feeling aimless. Most IMPORTANTLY is YOU ARE HAPPY with your choice and make the best of it. For the time i only left with the kids after work i always tell Chris, i can only be a Good Mum' but not a BEST mum on earth. Coz my sacrifices were too insignificant.I am very sure you are doing great just probably needed some quiet time for yourself at this moment. Why not try swaping a day with Dave?! Ha ha Dave is gonna kill me for this idea! Go out it can be just a stroll, window shopping, Padi & Mani, whatever that makes you skip a little and be happy. Trust me you'll be super rejuvenated and you'll be a better you, wify and mum most of all.I did just that during my 2 months of confinement i was almost on the verge of crashing too until Chris suggested it to me and it was GREAT! Do it from time to time too .. whenever you need it treat it as your paracetamol!You take care Hot Mama Muacks!Lynn

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